A workaholic, colloquially, is a person who is addicted to work. This phrase does not always imply that the person actually enjoys their work, but rather simply feels compelled to do it. There is no generally accepted medical definition of such a condition, although some forms of stress, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder can be work-related. Although the term "workaholic" usually has a negative connotation, it is sometimes used by people wishing to express their devotion to one's career in positive terms. The "work" in question is usually associated with a paying job, but it may also refer to independent pursuits such as sports, music and art. A "workaholic" in the negative sense is popularly characterized by a neglect of family and other social relations.
Workaholism in Japan is considered a serious social problem leading to early death, often on the job, a phenomenon dubbed karōshi.

Workaholism: 4 Universal Laws for Recovery

the rule of balance

There is more to life than work. There are so many other areas of our life than just work. Spend some time each day and /or a week focused on all other areas of your life. Repeat after me, there is more to life than work.

the reign of 10

This one is a bit controversial, but I've come to believe through my own experience. The rule of ten states, if it can not be done in ten hours a day, it should not be done. Occasionally during the set time or Crunch time is OK, it just does not need to a way of life. Anything more steals your presence in all other areas of your life.

the rule of Recovery Console

After a particularly stressful time at work, it is essential for good health to have an equally encouraging recovery time.

the rule of balance

Remember rest?

I have a friend who likes to say "I'll rest when I die." My concern is his rest is too early and too long. If we do not our body and mind the rest they need our body and mind will find a way to the rest need.

Now they go with this stuff!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeff_Herring