Workaholic - A 10 Step Recovery Plan for Workaholics
Posted On Friday, August 29, 2008 at на 11:48 PM by adminThe term "workaholic" is not an official medical or psychological condition, but widespread to refer to those ebermaige spend a lot of time on the work and working on issues related to the detriment of their health, social life, family life, or leisure time.
workaholic Recovery Plan
It requires much effort on your part to a shift from the work of the sole focus of your life to make room for family, friends and leisure activities. For a true workaholic, the following tasks are easier said than done, but are essential to your life back:
1 Create personal time. Block out time in your calendar as personal time to spend with family and non-work friends.
2 Stay connected on the road. when on the road for business, to call home frequently to stay connected.
3 Learn how to delegate. delegate some work and learn to say no to new tasks. At least, learn not to be the first to volunteer to take the assignment.
4 Take time off. Start with a long weekend and gradually move up to more holidays. Bring along no work!
5 Development of a routine exercise. After the removal of your doctor, integrate regelmaiger some kind of movement in your schedule. Better yet, ask a friend or family member to your buddy workout to ensure keep the routine.
6 Consider volunteering. Great therapy can be found in helping others. Volunteer work is also an opportunity to bring new non-work.
7 Nothing doing. Do you remember that it is okay to take a break, sit and relax and do nothing. Sit quietly outside and try to identify all the different sounds can be heard, or try to read a book (a non-work-book) or listening to music.
8 Take a hobby. Find a hobby or two to after work.
9th Reject perfectionism. convince you that not everything you need to do perfectly to your standards. Operating this way you can inefficient and often leads to ebermaigen work.
10 Sleep. "Sleep is not overvalued! Development of an end time for your work every night and head to bed. We all need a decent number of hours sleep.
If you are not in a position to complete one of these tasks, consider professional help to do with what is essentially a addiction.
Hilary Basile is a writer for, you will find valuable tips and resources for handling life's major events. Whether you're planning a wedding, buying your first home, anxiously awaiting the birth of a child, contending with a divorce, searching for a new job, or planning for your retirement, you'll find answers to your questions at
Find employment tips and resources, such as resume and cover letter development, interviewing skills, and information for those considering a career change at
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Effect of Workaholics
Posted On Friday, August 22, 2008 at на 4:41 AM by adminHow long as you do not get out of your working environment? As long as you do not make your day in the hectic schedules and routines? When was your last holiday? A year? A decade? Please do not tell me much longer than that. Other than the grades you earn from your hard work, what did you get? I am afraid you are frightened after you read the next few paragraphs and take some time ermaigt instead to keep trying to impress your boss. What are we doing this? -- Workaholic.
No matter how old you are, you are and where you are, you deserve the title "workaholic" when you work more than 12 hours per day. Excluding the time that you sleep, kitchen, shower and run some errands, there is no more room for your family and friends. The worst, you are threatening to yourself! Workaholic family will tend to neglect their children because they rarely squeeze some free time for them. Everything they have, after back from work, the negative mood and body pain, they do not have extra energy to talk to their children, what about educating them with attention and love? After some research, workaholic parents are more concerned with their marriage compared to the non-workaholic family. This is definitely a bad news for the children and their development.
When you plunge your meetings, tasks and projects, you will not know that time flies. You do not know at the time, you forgot to rest and you miss your meals! Well, your stomach will probably remember that soon. Do you wake up in the middle of the night in pain? Did you throw that undigested food or blood? If you find out they are wrong with you, then congratulations! It could suffer from stomach ulcers. This could happen, abnormal food out of habit, like eating too fast, fast-food habit, skip your meals, caffeine, etc. ebermaiger and, of course, stress is the undisputed greatest cause of all these habits.
As what we know, let in the high labour intensive load can lead to depression, stress, fear and anger, as your non-workaholic colleagues. If your way to please your boss to get promoted, you are actually stimulating your blood pressure to rise too high, such a turn of the hospital. Heart disease, heart attack and stroke are the consequences of high blood pressure. Not only high blood pressure, stress and tension will certainly make your body vulnerable to other health issues.
Do you want to see themselves as 50's, if you are technically under 40? This is no exaggeration. In fact, the work itself is not born of workaholics, but it initiate. It is really a time for you to leave, if you were pushing too hard you in your job. Nothing is more valuable than your health and the people around you. Get some time from your work, you get to know that you missed a lot of nice things that happen around you. Life is short, you do not want to spend your life in hospital with needles and drugs quit after your job. Do not you think so?
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5 Tips for Workaholics
Posted On Saturday, August 2, 2008 at на 11:48 AM by adminYou never thought that this day would come, the day when we no longer work and you do not want. You're a workaholic. These days, more and more people succumbing to this lack of work-life balance. Ironically, is a workaholic can make your work decline in the quality and effectiveness, how to make your job-obsessed life to include them in a miserable person. Far from being a conscious decision that this typically happens slowly over time in the form of several small yet repeatedly victims of personal time to allow more time to work. Normally this happens with the mentality of - once. This is a slippery slope. Overtime this behavior is a pattern called work addiction. To create a start-up companies or to keep their careers on the path to success, many people have workaholics unbeknownst to themselves. Most entrepreneurs love their company and are willing to do what it takes to make it successful, but they must not forget that love and take care of themselves, too.
Oftentimes, the realization of being a workaholic, with repeated comments from others or through self - awareness of how your work schedule is different from others. Work hard to make a goal that is very important that you is in order. What is not in order, neglect yourself, your loved ones and the feeling that the decision to do so is no longer a conscious You have control over, but is a habit that you no longer control. The long-term consequences of this may be the declining physical health and spiral into a work-induced depression. To avoid let your business drive you crazy, the following 5 tips into your busy life:
1. Exercise regularly and stay active. It is much too easy to avoid the perception because you have to do more work. Instead, make your physical health a top priority. Exercise is an ideal way to tap your inner genius and solutions hidden in your subconscious mind. Take a jog and mull over a topic that you have at work. You will notice that you can use the solution, how to keep themselves fit. You will also notice that it gives you more energy to power through the times when you have to do squeeze more working hours from yourself.
2. Food and drink healthy. Work until wee morning hours may mean that you have up into the night munchies. Reach for a stick of celery or some baby carrots. To avoid feeling drained of energy, in the hands snacks, the high protein content as a pop-top cans of tuna, raw almonds and soy nuts. Healthy food, healthy mind, you can work longer, harder and smarter.
3. Get enough sleep. If you are nodding off at your desk, or day dreaming and to lose focus, you are no longer productive. It is better for a full night's sleep and fresh in the morning than to stay up late and inefficient work. A cup of coffee is no substitute for the sleep your body needs. It is more efficient to sleep you need and are faster and smarter the next day.
4. Spend time outdoors. This can be combined with 1 hour. Fresh air does wonders for your mental condition and the time with nature can bring out the creativity which leads to big ideas, increase your bottom line. Take the time in your life to the doors. To avoid Cabin Fever and tunnel vision, take a long walk, breathe fresh air deeply and notice the beauty around you.
5. Take some quiet time every day. Staring at the computer, talking on the phone and in writing hundreds of e-mails every day, can your brain. Find ten minutes a day and have some quiet time for you. Meditate, close your eyes and zone or just listen to some soothing music for ten minutes per day. To my second wind, I usually need this in the afternoon. You will be amazed what a little quiet time can do for your peace of mind and around you will be grateful that you have the time to care for themselves, make a simple and pleasant man to deal with a lot with.
Working is not bad Thing, as long as it is temporary, and there is an end, a break and future prospects in sight. By incorporating life improve practices in your life, you can be productive and a better quality of work, and this increases the longevity of your personal and business health. For more information on how your business grow healthy way, visit
Elizabeth W. Gordon, founder and President of The Flourishing Business, LLC, is a visionary leader who has a passion for helping others achieve their entrepreneurial dreams and enjoy more of the best in life. With a vast and diverse background in many business arenas, Elizabeth regularly has the opportunity to share her business acumen with clients, large and small. She currently serves on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO), Atlanta and the Board of Directors of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) Atlanta. She is an Accredited Executive Associate of the Institute for Independent Business (IIB) and a certified Life Coach.
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