Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Posted On Saturday, March 15, 2008 at на 2:04 AM by adminMost of what we have learned how to be happy, how to be successful, how to get what we want, was also thought - but wrong.
We 've been told that we must work hard to secure to be successful, and if we are a success, which we like. Maybe that's true - if we are clear about what we need to be happy. Too many of us have been led astray by well-meaning parents, teachers, spouses and employers to believe that the success means big houses, fancy cars, luxury holidays and bulging bank accounts.
Few would disagree that these our society yardstick for success and Nice to have, but all too often they do not bring happiness. Instead, they often lead to addiction, illness, wounded children and divorce, which can lead to unhappiness, loneliness and financial woes.
The good news is that you can change your thinking and change your life. I know because I was a workaholic did.
I for most of my adult life to breast cancer forced me to slow down and take a look at the messages that have driven me so. I reminded me of an experience I had the year before, when I went to a hypnotherapist and in a trance, was more relaxed than I did in my life.
"What would you have to do to this feeling, the whole time," he asked. And I knew immediately. I would have let go is the way that things turned out. What did I do? Everything!
I was to the people say and do certain things (in the past, so I always rehashing old dialogues, I would say to you what I said then was), I was on my say and do certain things. I was involved motorists politely, check-out clerks will be more efficient, my customers to buy lots of product, my boss can cause my neighbors quietly� well, you get the picture.
On the way home I asked myself what letting go if I plant, the results? What if I do what I wanted in a goal?
I discovered, it was easy to tell the difference. I was able to work hard to achieve a goal, and if I do not, I was okay. I want to learn from the experience and try again. When I was attached, not getting what I wanted, or even thinking I might not trigger would wash an unpleasant feelings - anger, fear, anxiety, stress, doubt, disappointment, victimisation, etc. When I realised I was attached, then I would ask myself: once, I can let go of my attachment to this? Can I use it in a goal? Almost always, the answer was yes.
The advantage that targets instead of plants is that you can work with reasonable after what you want, without being stressed, and stressing that you lose your health or your family. You can let go of your investments, the life of society to learn how to, "should" and discover what you really makes no happy.
You breast cancer (other cancers, stroke, heart attack, etc.) to learn what I learned. Practice letting go of your attachments to results, change your thinking and change your life.
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