A workaholic, colloquially, is a person who is addicted to work. This phrase does not always imply that the person actually enjoys their work, but rather simply feels compelled to do it. There is no generally accepted medical definition of such a condition, although some forms of stress, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder can be work-related. Although the term "workaholic" usually has a negative connotation, it is sometimes used by people wishing to express their devotion to one's career in positive terms. The "work" in question is usually associated with a paying job, but it may also refer to independent pursuits such as sports, music and art. A "workaholic" in the negative sense is popularly characterized by a neglect of family and other social relations.
Workaholism in Japan is considered a serious social problem leading to early death, often on the job, a phenomenon dubbed karōshi.

Taking Offense At "It's All In Your Head" Is A Big Mistake

I recall talking with a woman several months ago about their rheumatoid arthritis and tries to convey that their illness was the result of many beliefs and memories they had in their mind-body. It became clear to me that they quickly leap to the assumption that I say that the problem "in the head" .

even the term itself, and then secretly cut out and decided to me until the end of the conversation, a lot of to her disadvantage. I say this because they had something more open and less dependent on the past experience to cut, it would not be me now suffer, their crippling arthritic condition.

It is the reason that I feel it necessary to address this problem and try, procuring as clearly as I can my thoughts on a subject that I feel has the potential to change the way we understand and treat diseases such planet.

It was my repeated observation, the work with a new tool called the Mind Resonance Process (TM) (MRP) that almost every physical illness stems from emotional roots. Now this last statement, which I caution jumping to the conclusion that this means that someone with a physical illness in any way crazy.

After all is not what is covered by the phrase "it's all in your head "? I would unequivocally clear that these "IS NOT", what I mean when I say what I said!

What I mean is that emotional trauma, which is a kind or another, which in my eyes is responsible for all diseases (emotional, mental and physical in nature) in the person of mind /body to a certain level, if it experienced. At some point the individual, the emotional pain associated with such trauma, or the fear of pain so great that they begin without realizing the consequences for the Suppression pain.

What it means to suppress the pain ? Well, it means, to try not to feel. How is this accomplished? In many ways: through denial, through drug and alcohol abuse, by the distraction (eg work addiction, sexually acting out, acting out violently), by overeating, through a process called dissociation, where a person verlat her body when the pain becomes overwhelming, through self-abuse (as it is in itself cutting, burning themselves, even mutilation, etc.) and finally by suicide (the final anesthetic, so to speak) .

Where does the pain go if we tried to suppress and the possibilities, as I mentioned earlier? Well, for one thing remains in the body! In order to illustrate, through metaphor, let's say that you have an abscess (ie, a ball pus) is brewing somewhere in your body and you decide that, as the pain associated with it is so great that it is best to try him through some medium repression, say, A anesthetic.

For a while, you feel a little better because you do not feel the pain. However, that does not take away the fact that the abscess is still there, and even worse, that it grows and to a life-time bomb.

Sooner rather than later begins to spread and the impact on other organ systems in the vicinity. Eventually, it becomes a systemic (ie body view shut down), the crisis could ultimately kill. This is called septic shock, infection from the abscess spread through the entire body through the bloodstream. If that happens, death is not far away.

So at this point not to ignore abscess sound like a good alternative for you? Well, I guess only if you think that the death itself is a solution to your problems. If this is the case, then I suggest, stay tuned to a later article I writing about this very issue.

Now with abscess metaphor, I returned to the emotional trauma. If the pain an emotional trauma suppressed, it is not gone, they do not diminish in intensity, and it is something brewing grows, and how much of the abscess does. It is also spreading in the entire body and mind and "infected" it in a way, because the speaking.

Now you try so hard, "not a feeling," the emotional pain (which by the way, the mind /body " with the way trying to say that there is a problem in you) the mind and body try their best to warn you in the other more primitive way that it is a problem brewing. them you have no other choice , but you know that in physical terms, ie as a physical problem. This is available if the physical illness emerges.

Of course it is not surprising that when you said that the physical illness results from a emotional problem you might feel offended. defensive This reaction arises from the same fear, you had the feeling the emotional pain in the first place. "So, what do you do? Well probably take such a statement as an insult to your common sense and dismiss or denigrate the person who said this to you. What does this mean? Well, it only perpetuates the denial!

With refusal comes a desperate attempt to delete, and the mind /body 's only Resources to tell you that there is a problem. This means that you seek help from a doctor to make drugs, the elimination of physical symptoms. Have you ever noticed how many classes of drugs than with the prefix " Anti? For example, anti-hypertensives, anti-arthritics, anti-inflammatory, etc. Is that tell you what?

It simply means that the medical profession is in the business of collusion with you to help and try to suppress any efforts to your mind and body to warn you of the existence of a problem. Why is that? Now that the medical profession is just as afraid of dealing with emotional issues like are.

It It was my experience that the "fear of feeling the pain "(that is a signal for the emotional trauma saved), that many people in harbor is one of the most toxic things on this planet. even more toxic than some of the most devastating plagues of humanity has witnessed.

The other thing I know, is that such fear is one of the easiest things clear once and for all from those "mind and body with the new instrument of Mind Resonance Process (TM) .

If you want to know more about MRP Please read my articles on many this e-zine and visit the Web links below, where you can create a free audio experience of MRP process.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nick_Arrizza,_M.D.