Taking the Busy Out of Business
Posted On Friday, March 28, 2008 at на 3:55 AM by adminI'm sure that you have asked, as at times, you can as your volume of work increased. It can be stressful as a lot of e-mails, phone calls, paperwork and meetings graer and graer grows. And always, in these days we are measured by the results that we deliver, and not the time, we have not actually deliver them.
What employs mean? According to Webster Dictionary, busy can mean that "in action". However, it is also defined as "full of distracting details. And we all have something of the busy fool! You have to be productive, not just busy /Do things less well, and you are well on the way to less busy and much more efficient and productive. Nevertheless, we are reluctant to examine this urge to busy.
One my clients had a computer crash and rang me in panic. "All my e-mails have disappeared from my inbox!" Of course, she was very concerned about what would happen next. Although its IT department was able to return their inbox rather quickly, it was really pleasantly surprised when they discover that they could exist for a busy all morning without their e-mails. Things have not sorted them, and if something was important, the people they are contacted by other means. She has also found that the less busy, the more graer their productivity actually declined!
5 Tips for Becoming Less Busy and More Productive
1. Outsource:
Delegate things that you can do that, measured in units of time, or tasks that are outside the territory of the strengths. This leaves you more time for planning and innovative thinking, for what Steven Covey calls right quadrant Thinking. This is important at all levels and in all Graen of companies, from solopreneur, must be innovative and creative, to the edge, the executive who needs to keep trends and visions for its strong organization. Be busy at every level is simply too distracting.
2. Create Your Own Work patterns:
We are all individuals with different mental and physical bio-rhythms. Understand that if you on your most productive, reflecting or sociable and communicative. Build your day around your biorhythms and personal needs. Create your own everyday framework that will support you and your needs. Being stuck in a 9 - 5 paradigm is one of the reasons that many soletraders, especially mumpreneurs who are tough, as they try to traditional patterns on home.
3 work. Do you have a "stop doing" list:
Challenge any tendency to work addiction, like Jim Collins, in Good to Great (Harper Collins, 2001), with a daily stop doing list. "I am too busy" Often there is a variety of non-positive behaviors such as working addiction, prevention of reflection and trying to impress the boss, ostrich mentality, the fear of letting go, a control freak. Fred Gratzon, author of "The Lazy Way to Success, goes a step further. He advocates less effort to achieve more:" It is the lazy person, and his creativity to avoid all drives progress in society. "What is that what you do today could stop, would have a positive influence on your time management, health and quality of life?
4. Work Smarter, Not Harder:
If a large company, you may be one or Lean Six Sigma expert to some lean principles in your organization. Nevertheless, even the solopreneur can benefit from the implementation of lean principles. Often small changes can lead to major results. An easy to start is to consider the problems, bottlenecks in the production or time waste by using the continuous improvement process (CI) formula, or DMAIC-Define Measure analysis Improve Control. Even the first step in defining the problem can have enormous positive psychological benefits if you are employed and stressed.
5. Concentrate on your strengths:
Your strengths form your most effective way for the productive expenditure of time and energy. Unfortunately, most of us are so indoctrinated at an early age that our time to remedy our weaknesses instead of concentrating on our strengths. champions of the "strength revolution", as Donald Clifton, Marcus Buckingham And Tom Rath developed an impressive approach to discover your strengths, on the basis of their results analyzed data from the Gallup Management. you come to the conclusion that play to your strengths is more satisfying, more fun and more effective.
Finally, remember that your graten and most valuable resource is not time, but Breath. Do not waste being busy!
Resources: Steven
Covey: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Simon & Shuster)
Jim Collins: Good to Great (Harper Collins, 2001)
Marcus Buckingham: Set your strengths Go To Work (Free Press)
Fred Gratzon The Lazy Way to Success - How To Do Nothing and Accomplish Everything (Soma Press)
You May to distribute, copy or print this article, as long as you do that, as it is, without any changes. It contains the information on the author and links must be maintained. entire contents copyright 2007 by Lisa Rossetti. Www.positivelives.co.uk
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