Millenial Generation and The Baby Boomers
Posted On Wednesday, March 12, 2008 at на 2:55 PM by adminHaving read some books about the generation gap, and had a few classes on the 4 different generations, it seems that there is an investigation, how many different cultures. Understanding another culture begins with understanding our own culture and values first and then the comparison with the other culture and see the difference. Of course, the features, here are some general trends, and may not be for every person. Not all Baby Boomers, Generation X, or Millenials cut from a cookie-cutter mold, but many similar values and perspectives can be found in every generation can be condensed and as a starting point for understanding.
Baby Boomers (age 43 to 61), from which I am a part, has been described as a hard-working and tend to have a very high work ethic. They are competitive, which they do. They work long, hard hours, and are basically a "live to work" generation. A prominent value is how successful they are in their career. Baby Boomers and with whom they work, make pretty good team with a common goal, to the task. They'll sacrifice weekends and holidays, and usually do what it takes to get things done. Routinemaig Boomers will take on other tasks outside their job description, if that is what it takes to "git 'er done. "
Boomers tend to be from what they are doing. Work is very important for them and their sense of themselves and their wealthy. You define her life, and define who they are, what they do. Boomers value of personal development. authority figures can be loved or hated at the same time. Boomers yearn for visible rewards, such as certificates, awards, plaques and trophies. trophies and other badges of honor to prove that it has done a good job. you want to be rewarded with jobs increased responsibility and want promotions. need to hear that they have done a good job and want their supervisors to the good work that they have. You also need a lot of material things, the tangible benefits for the hard work, and they want a lot of money. money pushes them. It is the reward for their work and for their success. you aspire to build a career and growing profession, and tend to workaholics. They will also soon go into debt to achieve their vision of the American Dream material. kids.
The Then, they spawn of the vintages are the Generation X (GenX) children (ages 28 to 42) and Millennial children (age <27). There is a big gap in the values and exchange of views between the Boomers and these two. contrast Millenial We boomers and their children here. Millenials are latchkey children, and the children of the GenX latchkey children. you are isolated, but still stay in touch electronically. you believe they have almost every material need to be satisfied, and love it when the latest electronic gadgets and toys. your parents have not denied, and their children have not been denied everything, except for a close relationship with their parents. This leads to a gap in understanding between the expectations and Boomer parents and Millenial their kids.
For Millenials, time is the value of the goods, not money. This "work to live", but their parents "live, work and Millenials struggle with the following in their footsteps. This means that they will see the Boomers "Stress and long working hours and sincerely do not want it. They will be the minimum necessary to secure certain task, but it will not be enough to secure team Boomer peer pressure to do more, as if Boomer to help others or in the team as boomers would do to "git 'ER done . "For a Millenial if their specific part of the work is done, It's time to have fun. Time is the currency of value, not money, and if they work hard, it is so they can have time off. Money is the tool to buy freedom. appreciate your time than money Boomers. you tend to spend many more years in the "young adulthood," the twilight between high school singlehood and parenthood. many of them wait until they in their late 20's to get married. They saw their parents Boomer close. many do not want to be workaholics. They are individualistic, and love to share details of their lives with others on MySpace and chat via Instant Messenger. personal information that they reveal about themselves exhibition shows a desire for uniqueness. music and upload pictures they are individually. But they are very team-oriented and move in packs. you to stay connected through a variety of electronic means to us unknown Boomers when we were young. They are not workaholics, but apparently drift. you deal with the quality of life, but apparently less concerned about the essential things, such as meeting the physical needs of food, clothing and shelter.
With a little time and to study, Boomers Millenial can understand their children and employees, and will seek to develop relationships with them and healthy relationships. For more insights, read "Inside the Soul of a New Generation" by Tim Celek and Dieter Zander, Zondervan Publishing House. For a rousing introduction to the Generation Gap questions, please contact the experts of communications for Marsten real eye-opening presentations.
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