A workaholic, colloquially, is a person who is addicted to work. This phrase does not always imply that the person actually enjoys their work, but rather simply feels compelled to do it. There is no generally accepted medical definition of such a condition, although some forms of stress, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder can be work-related. Although the term "workaholic" usually has a negative connotation, it is sometimes used by people wishing to express their devotion to one's career in positive terms. The "work" in question is usually associated with a paying job, but it may also refer to independent pursuits such as sports, music and art. A "workaholic" in the negative sense is popularly characterized by a neglect of family and other social relations.
Workaholism in Japan is considered a serious social problem leading to early death, often on the job, a phenomenon dubbed karōshi.

Law of Attraction Tips & Processes - Help for Choice and Deciding


If around an election, sometimes a feeling, and sometimes a different way, that's what I do:

I wonder: "What will it be like /what does it feel, if I x?"

And then: "What Will it be like feel, if I y?"

I answer both, then I mix up the answers together in the present tense. Simple as it sounds, it really works - it will melt enough of my mind, so I feel a deeper level and achieve a much better decision.

Here is a simple example:

What will it be like /Lust When I think of the movies tonight?

I feel fun. I want to have fun. I want to have fun and joy. I will feel lighter, and my worries behind.

What will it be like /if I feel like staying at home and work?

I feel focused. I am focused and intense. I will feel Progression graere and a lightness and ease.

Now I do with them in the present:

I think, fun and focused. I think, fun and focused. I like feeling fun and focuses together - it feels very easy and intense. All my worries are left at the same time I feel intensely, and I am much more ease.

I only continue to flow until I feel that with a newer, graeren reality kick in. In this example, I can now seeing a clear path to go to the movies and the feeling of all the things I wanted the feeling when I worked. (This is a really good antidote to addiction work habits, because to use it, my inner leadership is sometimes clear lead me to relax and take it easy ...., in fact, is an excellent component of an efficient and productive workflow. )

Using this method, any decision will win-win, and I like that very much. I use it for the large and small decisions that are yet to be clarified in this way, I have deliberately clarify and focus my energy more and more. I use it to prioritize my to-do list. It can also be used for something that you like to do, but can not find the internal focus on actually doing - in this case, one of the possibilities is, "what will it be like to do this?" And the other is: "What will it not want?"

Doing them on the basis of a regelmaigen, my energy is more and more focused and smooth, and the results I get from my decisions feel better and better. I appreciate that very much.

Have fun!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nancy_Madlin