Do You Want to Stop Being A Workaholic?
Posted On Sunday, March 16, 2008 at на 5:40 AM by adminThere is a balance in your life need for a good physical, mental and emotional health. Some people have a difficult time a chance to load, reflect and playful. They work long hours and on weekends. They have a hard time tearing itself away from their work. Perhaps your boss, your spouse or you.
You can be caught, what you are doing and not even realize you are neglecting important parts of your life. To determine whether this is you, your satisfaction with life on a scale of 1 (unhappy) to 5 (very satisfied) in the following areas: �
health (physical and mental)
� Friends
� Family
� Work
� Money
Play /fun/recreation
� � � Learn opportunities/growth
Faith /spiritual equilibrium life
How much you have in your life? How much do you balance? If work is an addiction, life tips off balance. Research shows workaholics more health and family problems, including anxiety and depression than those who are not obsessed with their work.
Some people love their work and spend many hours of work that are not workaholics. The difference is that these people have time for the family to visit and the personal needs of sleep, food and recreation.
True workaholics are forced to work because internal pressure guilt or despair at not working. Even long working hours gives them a bona fide excuse for not working, a close relationship. Steadily long working hours can lead to burn, with health, happiness, social and intimate relationships. Often, marriages end because a spouse feels "abandoned" by his workaholic mate.
Characteristics a true workaholic:
� Desires control and overreacts to change over which he /she has no control.
� Over schemes through -- Plans and over-organizes.
� Multi-tasks that the majority of time.
� Has difficulty delegating.
� Neglects personal needs, particularly recreation and sleep food.
� Has memory problems, because the mental preoccupation with planning and work.
� Tends to be perfectionist and judgmental.
� Has difficulty with relationships, because it is too little time for the connection and companionship.
If you are concerned that your job can be about your life, the following strategies can be useful:
� Select one of the lowest, based on your satisfaction with Life Scale. Write two or three things that you can do and be in the coming weeks to increase your satisfaction one to two points. In the following week, repeat the process until you raise this area to a level with which you are satisfied.
� Write an ideal weekly schedule, the family and social time, leisure and personal time.
� Set regular working hours and stick to them.
� If you say "yes" to something, what do you have to say "no" to your commitment.
� Learn to delegate work.
� Say "No" if you are over - or before you committed in this position if possible.
� Make sure your goals are attainable; avoid perfectionism.
� Learn to enjoy the moment, in order to increase your satisfaction and happiness.
True workaholics often unconsciously use work and busyness to avoid intimacy. Even long working hours, they can feel important. I actually live more of a balanced life and improves the well-being increases your energy. What steps can you take to achieve more balance in your life? You will not regret it.
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