A workaholic, colloquially, is a person who is addicted to work. This phrase does not always imply that the person actually enjoys their work, but rather simply feels compelled to do it. There is no generally accepted medical definition of such a condition, although some forms of stress, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder can be work-related. Although the term "workaholic" usually has a negative connotation, it is sometimes used by people wishing to express their devotion to one's career in positive terms. The "work" in question is usually associated with a paying job, but it may also refer to independent pursuits such as sports, music and art. A "workaholic" in the negative sense is popularly characterized by a neglect of family and other social relations.
Workaholism in Japan is considered a serious social problem leading to early death, often on the job, a phenomenon dubbed karōshi.

Eris - The New Addition To Our Solar System

Back and 29 July 2005, when apparently, our solar system 10th Planet was discovered by Michael Brown, I was excited and full of anticipation. Since reading Zecharia Sitchen I was waiting for the day when our solar system would have 12 planets detected. Well, I have my views to soften a little, but the discovery and official designation of the (now classified) dwarf planet to Eris (pronounced Eeris) is still full of promise.

Originally nicknamed Xena for the TV warrior princess seemed perfect. So, I was a bit disappointed when they lost, that Eris name, but it was just a Hollywood character, after all (and a bad about this!) Eris and Xena also had the same vibrations in my mind.

Eris is the Greek goddess of war and disputes, discord and chaos. The planet has an orbit of 556.65 days, is about 70 miles further than Pluto has a moon named Dysnomia, (who was the daughter of Eris and known as the Spirit of lawlessness). Artists playing Eris A. Schaller /STScI.

The ordered myth that Eris is well known to most is that after the cause of the Trojan War. Bull Finch's mythology says: "At the wedding of Peleus and Thetis all gods were invited, with the exception of Eris, or Discord. Enraged by their exclusion, the goddess threw a golden apple among the guests, with the inscription" fairest. "Subsequently Juno, Venus and Minerva any claims that the apple. Jupiter, not ready to decide, and so delicate matter, to the goddesses to Mount Ida, where the beautiful Paris shepherds tend their flocks was, and it was the decision . according goddesses appeared before him. Juno promised him power and wealth, fame and notoriety Minerva in the war, and Venus the most beautiful women for his wife, any attempt to prejudice his decision in their favour. Paris opted for Venus and there Their golden apple, so that the other two goddesses his enemies. under the protection of Venus, Paris sailed to Greece, and hospitable received from Menelaus, king of Sparta. Well Helen, the wife of Menelaus, was the woman who very Venus did for Paris, the fairest of her sex. you had been sought as a bride by numerous suitors, and their decision was announced, they all, at the suggestion of Ulysses, one of their number, took an oath that they would Defend from all her injuries and avenge their cause, if necessary. Wehlte they Menelaus, and lived happily with him when Paris was their assessment. Paris, supported by Venus, persuaded them to elope with him, and led them in Troy, which emerged the famous Trojan War. "Interestingly, Aphrodite was the mistress of Ares, the two bothers of Eris. She loved to go into battle with him.

When planet named, it seems a mysterious, equilateral (a la Carl Jung), the correlation mirror their symbolism in the world and our lives. For example, when Uranus was discovered, there was also the discovery of electricity, the French and the American Revolution, both of which are deeply rooted in the connection Uranian archetype and our lives forever changed. With Pluto's discovery that the world was fairly soon in world wars, atomic bombs, Hitler and all these wonderful dark Hades Plutonian energies. With Chiron, the archetype of the "wounded healer", we have a strong presence of mind /body healing, homeopathy and other divinatory multidimensional perception and skills, which are represented within the archetype Chiron (Hand Clow, Chiron: Llewellyn 1995) .

time and A bit of hindsight, will make things clear, but now we can not find that the goddess of chaos and Strife certainly seems to the state of the world today. We live in a very bloody and chaotic world. Just as Eris said, the joy of stirring up discord, many of our world leaders seem to be their embodiment.

As Philip Sedgewick recently pointed out, one of the etymological notes for Eris is "Things You Know Not Of". Eris is a trans-plutonian unity! Very quiet, very deep. Perhaps a part of our current chaos is the deeply hidden and drinks, to come into our awareness now so that we are more creative and positive with the conflict.

In Aug /Sept issue of Mountain Astrologer 2006, Maurice Fernandez wrote in his Article Crazy wisdom that "The bottom line for the second half of 2006 is that anarchy may be necessary; Neptune is such an overwhelming force and humiliating that they often paralyses egocentric. since Neptune represents mass effect, the collective consciousness, and Forces of nature, not leave much leeway for sightseers power or control freaks ... These transits propose a fantastic opportunity to many outdated concepts and approaches restrictive ... Creation occur by the chaos ...."

This is an interesting correlation to Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson's Illuminatus! Trilogy, where the goddess Eris plays a subordinate role within the anarchist group, and "good guys� if I remember correctly. I go back to read it, but here is one for TEXT POPUP Illuminatus!: And behold, it was the law formulated: Imposition of order = escalation of chaos!-The Gospel According to this Fred

After (after Timothy Leary "seminal work"), the subsequent Discordia philosophical spin-offs, the adoration as Eris your embodiment of anarchy and chaos. a positive manifestation of the Eris Principia Discordia concept could be: This http://www.erissociety.org/cloth patch has some connection with NASA, is rare, 3.5 cm in diameter, and are clearly on the arm of a uniform. That's all what we know� .

It is very premature and potentially difficult to grok the meaning of an individual graphics at this point, but the hermetic principle and spiritual teachings remind us that we are all a piece of what is going on outside, we all a degree of responsibility. one aspect (there are others) for the violence in the world is self-hate projected outward. Eris I have to think about placing in my chart. Anyone born after 1930 has Eris in Aries, so The house placement is the key factor. Eris I have in my second home. This is also the house itself worthy, and even love. these have major problems in my life, And I have it in my way, hopefully over In any progress I have in the collective memes.

Philip Sedgewick also offers these preliminary keyword:

Positive - exemption from the addiction to success or status, clear priorities with regard to issues of love and money, finally, you can not take it with you and complete application in the food, the recognition of the potency of a life in the fields of energy and strength, clear sense of the sacred marriages spirit in the body itself to the Creator, between soulful companion, personal sense of emergence.

Negative - greed, Work addiction, you have to believe that the takeover of God, the general feeling abandoned, condemned or abandoned, lack of respect for the spiritual life, superficial, status oriented.

Again, with a view to my own chart and give you some ideas, as possible start your own exploration, I have Eris at 8 degrees 56 minutes in the second house .... sextiling Sun/Gemini/4th on the one hand and on the other Chiron/Aquarius/12. instinctive And My first reaction to this was " no wonder I feel so comfortable with the idea of chaos, uncertainty and even conflict. "There is also the issue repeatedly with Chiron/12 the general sense of being abandoned by God or have lost my connection for the universal source ( early in my life), condemned and abandoned. But in matters of money, which I am not very comfortable with uncertainty, fixed and famine, but also very resourceful. am I at the end of Chiron back transit and am now deep integration the idea of power and the power of each of us, and to start to feel the idea of the sacred marriage to self-determination and the Creator, Spirit of body, mind and emotions. My sense of security begrat chaos and uncertainty. One of my favorite books as a teen was (and is) Alan Watt's The Wisdom of Insecurity. At the same time, the perfection and order of the universe is not lost me.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Melody_Zindell